Think Your Number Is Safe? 10 Ways You Can Lose It Today

Number and Its Algebra: Syllabus of Lectures on the Theory of Number and Its .. Arthur Lefevre

The earliest known use of irrational numbers was in the Indian Sulba Sutras composed between 800 and 500 BC. The first existence proofs of irrational numbers is usually attributed to Pythagoras, more specifically to the Pythagorean Hippasus of Metapontum, who produced a proof of the irrationality of the square root of 2. The story goes that Hippasus discovered irrational numbers when trying to represent the square root of 2 as a fraction.

It was adopted for use within internet relay chat networks circa 1988 to label groups and topics. This usage inspired Chris Messina to propose a similar system to be used on Twitter to tag topics of interest on the microblogging network; this became known as a hashtag. Although used initially and most popularly on Twitter, hashtag use has extended to other social media sites. When parsing data that has been serialized to JSON, integer values falling outside of this range can be expected to become corrupted when JSON parser coerces them to Number type. Number.prototype.valueOf() Returns the primitive value of the specified object. Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY Special value representing infinity.

"Why is the symbol # called the hashtag in Twitter?". The use of the hash symbol in a hashtag is a phenomenon conceived by Chris Messina, and popularized by social media network Twitter, as a way to direct conversations and topics amongst users. This has led to an increasingly common tendency to refer to the symbol itself as "hashtag". The symbol is described as the "number" character in an 1853 treatise on bookkeeping, and its double meaning is described in a bookkeeping text from 1880.

Bones and other artifacts have been discovered with marks cut into them that many believe are tally marks. These tally marks may have been used for counting elapsed time, such as numbers of days, lunar cycles or keeping records of quantities, such as of animals. This converter will convert numbers to words and figures to words. The number to words can be done for real numbers and Scientific E Notation.

The Number 605 in Khmer numerals, from an inscription from 683 AD. A tallying system has no concept of place value , which limits its representation of large numbers. Nonetheless, tallying systems are considered the first kind of abstract numeral system. Some features may require internet access; additional fees and terms may apply.

On standard UK and some other European keyboards, the same keystrokes produce the pound sign, £ symbol, and # may be moved to a separate key above the right shift key. If there is no key, the symbol can be produced on Windows with Alt+35, on Mac OS with ⌥ Opt+3, and on Linux with Compose++. In Standard ML, #, when prefixed to a field name, becomes a projection function ; also, # prefixes a string literal to turn it into a character literal.

Numbers go on to infinity, so there is no last cardinal number. You can’t work in pairs if you’ve got an odd number of people. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

By this time the concept had clearly reached Cambodia as Khmer numerals, and documentation shows the idea later spreading to China and the Islamic world. Besides their practical uses, numbers have cultural significance throughout the world. For example, in Western society, the number 13 is often regarded as unlucky, and "a million" may signify "a lot" rather than an exact quantity.

For instance, the number 3 can be represented as the class of all sets that have exactly three elements. Alternatively, in Peano Arithmetic, the number 3 is represented as sss0, where s is the "successor" function (i.e., 3 is the third successor of 0). Many different representations are possible; all that is needed to formally represent 3 is to inscribe a certain symbol or pattern of symbols three times. The word "number" is a general term which refers to a member of a given set.
